Tuesday, August 28, 2007


R&B singer, Keyshia Cole covers the October 2007 issue of Sister 2 Sister magazine. In this candid interview, the Oakland, California native speaks vividly about man issues: finding her dad, understanding mean, and why she refuses to let any man control her life. And---get this---shelving her singing career to become an urban Doctor Dolittle/veterinarian. Also, in this issue, Cole's waaaaaaaaay out there sister, Neffeteria. I know some of you remember seeing 'Neffe' wild the hell out on Keyshia's reality show, 'The Way It Is' on BET. Well, she speaks her piece, too. For some reason Neffe felt the need to share with us the events that led to her nervous breakdown. Why? Who knows. Check out an excerpt from her interview below:

Jamie: Did Keyshia call you up and invite you to come over? How did it happen [that you moved in with her]?
Neffe: No, actually my mom had came to visit and I had just left my husband because I had recently found out that he had been sleeping with my first cousin for a year.

Jamie: What?!
Neffe: I was a little resentful about moving because I’ve been in California for so long and I didn’t want to come and be dependent on my sister. That’s just not me. But I needed to make that move because I was on the verge of having a breakdown. ... Everyone was thinking, oh she’s drunk, oh she’s an alcoholic. Not knowing that behind the scenes I was actually going through something.
Keyshia: I’m sure they knew you were going through something.
Neffe: I don’t think they did. Like when I’m out in the public and they go, “There’s Keyshia Cole’s sister,” or “You’re the crazy one. You have a shot of Patron today?” Who wants to hear that?

Read more of Keyshia's interview plus details of Neffe's stay in the nuthouse and when she realized she was indeed an alcoholic when the issue hits newstands on September 11.

Picture courtesy of: OnlyKeyshia.com


Anonymous said...

Aight... so Keyshia's sister is airing her own dirty laundry so she can get 15 seconds of fame... PSG, will u be posting the entire interview when released?

Anonymous said...

My name is Quantaria. And.. Keyshia sista should be able to accept jus being her. She needs to learn how to forgive and forget. I think that she will get through her problems and be happy wit her family jus the way that they are. and i am so happy for her cuz i watch the tv show and at times i be like dang girl.. and i be so into it i be bout to cry when i be watchin it. its like i can feel how she feel knowing that this is real stuff. Neffie i jus hope that u really be happy and satisfied with yourself and your peeps and your new addition to the family Soullow. and i think that was sweet for yall both to tat' both of yalls names on each other's arm. I wish u nothin but the best.

Anonymous said...

My name is Quantaria. And.. Keyshia sista should be able to accept jus being her. She needs to learn how to forgive and forget. I think that she will get through her problems and be happy wit her family jus the way that they are. and i am so happy for her cuz i watch the tv show and at times i be like dang girl.. and i be so into it i be bout to cry when i be watchin it. its like i can feel how she feel knowing that this is real stuff. Neffie i jus hope that u really be happy and satisfied with yourself and your peeps and your new addition to the family Soullow. and i think that was sweet for yall both to tat' both of yalls names on each other's arm. I wish u nothin but the best.

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