Sunday, September 14, 2008


According to the Associated Press, rapper T.I. has been sued by his former girlfriend and mother of two of his sons claiming she is in vital need of more child support payments. Court documents show Lashon Dixon has been receiving $2,000 a month for their two sons, Messiah Ya'Majesty Harris and Domani Harris, ages 7 and 8. Rather than demanding a specified amount, the 29-year-old is requesting a court to order a stipend equal to Tip’s financial success. Dixon claims she's having a hard time supporting the boys with the $2,000 a month he is providing. The two allegedly grew up together since they were teenagers and were romantically involved prior to his platinum-selling status in today’s hip-hop climate. In addition to the two children he shares with Dixon, the rapper also has a daughter, Deyjah, from another previous relationship as well as two more sons, Clifford Joseph 'King' Harris III and Major Harris with fiancĂ©e and R&B singer Tameka “Tiny” Cottle. The couple also had a daughter who died shortly after childbirth in 2007. Word around the web is that the judge in the case originally reduced Dixon's child support payments from $3,500.00 to $2,000.00. One reason for the reduction, from my very own assumption, is that the dollar amount was lowered due to the fact that T.I. takes care of each of his five children who often reside with their father.

At the time of this posting, there was no word from T.I. or his rep. T.I.'s new album Paper Trail is scheduled to hit stores Tuesday, September 30th. In the meantime and in between time, check out more candid pics of T.I. and Tiny out and about that I peeped over on LSA.



Anonymous said...

This what i read over the weekend.

ATLANTA — Attorney Statement on Behalf of atlanta Rapper T.I.
“T.I is an exemplary parent who is seeking joint legal custody of his children. They spend approximately 40 percent of their time with him,” the rapper’s attorney, John Mayoue, said in a statement Saturday.“ He has been paying $2,000 per month in child support directly to their mother in addition to paying for their private school and medical expenses and thousands of dollars per month in clothing, gifts and extracurricular activities for them. Their mother has chosen not to be employed at this time.”“The evidence in this case from both sides is that T.I. is a very loving, involved and generous father.”

The mother of two of T.I.’s children has sued the platinum-selling rapper for more child support, saying she is having a hard time supporting the boys and now wants a court-ordered arrangement for payment.
Lashon Dixon said she is having a hard time supporting the couple’s 7- and 8-year-old boys.

Anonymous said...

also she has other children too but not by t.i.

Anonymous said...

He sure does like them average, shit he can come to me then :) But I don't get it. There are ppl in MD where I live who r getting at least 500 a month for each kid. Is she working? Why is she having a hard time? That 2000's is good for clothes food and more( that's if she doesn't spend the dough on herself) I understand that he is rocking LV bags and all but if he is doing his job as a father why mess it up. Haven't she learned anything from 50's baby mama?

Anonymous said...

Wait a sec "paying for their private school and medical expenses and thousands of dollars per month in clothing, gifts and extracurricular activities for them. Their mother has chosen not to be employed at this time." I didn't c that. She don't have to do a damn thing! And she wants more money. That ain't nothing but jealously & greed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article April. I'll update my T.I. post with it.

K, I too don't understand why she claims to be struggling especially since the kids private school tuition, medical expenses, clothing etc. are already being taken care of by T.I. Something about this story is remiss. Either ol girl don't or doesn't know how to manage her money OR she is being just plain damn greedy. I'mma go with the latter. If what the lawyer says is true, then Lashon needs to get up off her ass and work.

If T.I. is footing the more expensive bills, what in the hell is she doing with the 2gs he's been giving her? Sounds like she's trying to be a hood version of Kim Porter: someone who doesn't have to work because they're being taken care of by their baby's daddies.

Anonymous said...

Hell, if I was her ya'll wouldn't even know my damn name. Because I would be grateful as hell!! For starters T.I is paying for tuition which has to be 6 or 7 thousand a year per child(ball park figure), then clothes and extracurricular, hell what is do she want. Basically she don't have to pay nothing. And the 2G's that he give her is from the kindness of his heart, because any other father wouldn't give her shit. Just ungrateful as hell.

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