Sunday, June 15, 2008


"I haven't commented on ridiculous rumors about my relationship because they simply don't affect my relationship. However, I see many of you keep asking and wondering, so I have decided to set the record straight. It may be time to address rumors about Reggie... There is a girl named Najmah Brown and speculation that she is Reggie's "side chick." This is totally false and Reggie does not know this person nor has he even met her. There were also rumors about some drama at a basketball game. Again, none of this is true. There were even pictures of a random girl that mediaFAKEout posted saying she was Reggie's "side chick," which, again, is not true. The girl felt so bad she was messaging me on MySpace about how furious she was that they stole her picture! You may have already noticed that there are never pictures of any of these alleged experiences.

For once in my life, I am in a committed, trusting relationship. Before Reggie, I always tended to date the wrong guy who just wasn't ready. If I would hear negative things about them my gut feeling inside was telling me it was true, but I believed the guy anyway. I have made so many poor choices and never knew when to let go, always was the girl to stay and try to trust again. But the reality is, a girl has a gift -- her intuition. So use it ladies and don't be that dumb girl who gets taken advantage of! I no longer have those problems and trust me, it feels sooo good! I think I finally got it right this time!

By the way, we just landed in Florence today. Reggie met me here. The city is so romantic! By the time we leave here, how much do you want to bet the engagement rumors will swirl!"

--Instead of staying true to her word by keeping her mouth closed about the details of her relationship to Reggie, Kim, has once again opened that hole between her nose and chin (via her official blog) to speak out on recent Internet rumors regarding Reggie's alleged jump-off Najmah Brown, a 22-year old television and film producer. I guess it would be too much like right for Kim to just shut the hell up once and for all, huh? Something is seriously wrong anytime a person goes out of their way to blog about their personal life by 'addressing rumors' involving their boyfriend...all while vacationing in Florence, Italy. No doubt about it: Kim's true feelings are showing.

And I ain't hating. I'm just stating.


Below are pics of Kim and her sister Kourtney were seen clad in bikinis aboard a yacht in Monaco a couple of days ago.



Anonymous said...

Kim's body looks so man-made.

Anonymous said...

Kourtney puts Kim and their tall, big chick sister to shame in the looks department. She's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

why are yall hating so early in the morning? it's monday for petes sake.

Anonymous said...

^^see you trying to start something. how is anybody up in here hating on her? go head on with that bs.

Anonymous said...

some of those photos look stage. As if they knew just where the camera was. Goes to show ain't nothing candid when it comes to the shenanigans of Kim kardashian. I didn't me for that to rhyme.

BTW, love your site!

Anonymous said...

Kim is so full of it. She loves the attention. just look at the way her bikini bottoms are fitting her! the top of her ASS CRACK is literally showing! And she wonders why people call her the attention ho that she is. You cant tell me she couldn't find a more suitable bottom size to wear instead of those. so full of it.

Anonymous said...

I need Kim's bathing suit (the red one) in my life so desperately. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Kourtney by far is the cutest one. I love Khloe too because she keeps it real.

As for the whole Reggie/Najam (whatever her name is)/Kim fiasco, I'mma have to agree with everything SGurl said. Because it ain't no way I'mma be funning and sunning in Italy and then log on to the net to tell people that my man is faithful to me. And he's there with her too? What the fuck she even addressing it for?

Anonymous said...

@ Ella: As for the pics being staged: could be. I wouldn't put it past her. That's how most of her candid shots come out anyway. But I'm convinced that once this girl knows there's a camera on her (and she usually does since she's the one who have some of the paparazzi on her speed dial) you can best believe her is going to go into straight 'pose for the camera/now, click, click'-mode. Trying to be seen while trying to look like she doesn't want to be seen. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Reggie's a damn fool. I wonder did she have his blessing when she posed nude for playboy. They were dating then right?

Anonymous said...

kim and her sister are two fine aas
bitches, yo.

Anonymous said...

Kim is a hypocrite. She sit in interviews and assert to the world that she likes to keep info on her relationship private....just between her and her man....then a day later, she turns around and post pictures of the dishes of food she personally cooked for Reggie at his home on Thanksgiving day. Guess he didn't spend it with his own family. Months later, Kim is back at it again in interviews speaking on their relationship and how they prefer to not share it with the media. Easter Sunday comes around and guess what? She's posted pictures of Reggie attending Easter church services (complete with a Sunday dinner) with her and her family....including her Nana.

It's one thing to say you're going to do something and stay true to your word and do it. But you come off looking like a damn fool when you say you're going to do something only to turn around and do the total opposite thus making your ass look like an internal and external fool. She ain't doing nothing but totally disrespecting and exploiting her relationship with Reggie with all the playing around she's doing with the media all in the name of trying to become more famous than she is. Her gums are forever flapping. Jay and Bey have lasted 6 years and counting....and never once did they use their relationship to up their celebrity status. They still refuse to wearing wedding rings, for Christ sakes!! Then you have Kim who prances around town with an engagement ring on her finger knowing good and well ol dude ain't propose to her. She's been pissing on their relationship ever since they went public with it. Dumb Dora.

If she wanted to keep the details of her relationship with him so private, STFU! Don't go posting personal pictures of you and him on a blog. Save shit like that for your PERSONAL, INVITE-ONLY MYSPACE ACCOUNT!

If she receives any negative backlash (including a publicized breakup....because if they do ever breakup, please believe it will be publicized and televised!) from her severe case of diarrhea at the mouth, she has no one to blame but herself. And Reggie ain't no better. Walking around looking as if he has the IQ of a sputtering squirt of mustard.

Anonymous said...

They're straight posing for those 'razzi photogs. acting and looking like they're shooting a damn music video.

Anonymous said...

kim and her sister are such beautiful young women. how does kim get a great body like that? she is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

If you had millions of dollars and a top of the line plastic surgeon on-call, you too could have Kim's great body.

Anonymous said...

maybe she responding cause all ya haters keep stressing over her and her man.....................everytime I turn around ya posting hatures (pictures)....Don't be mad, CRAIG...........

Anonymous said...

Kim is tired-her photos are staged and she is desperately trying to keep up with Heidi and Spencer another tired ass couple-

Reggie is not that cute to me-and trust and believe sistas don't want a man once he stands on the sand! Catch my drift-no hating over here-just stating ; )

Anonymous said...

No, anonymous 3:05, she responding because she's trying to convinced herself more than anything else that her relationship is on solid ground. If she weak enough to let 'hater's stress her than she got a big ass problme.

Anonymous said...

All three of the older sisters looks great. It's time for Kim to leave that one sexual position alone, if her ass gets any bigger, nothing will ever go over it. Reggie must be blowing her mind, but the man looks like he gets embarrass real easy, so stop it, a man can only take but so much.

Anonymous said...


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