Monday, June 16, 2008


Below are pics of Chaka Khan performing live in concert at the Enmore Theater in Sydney, Australia on Saturday night. No lie. When I first saw these pics, the first thing I said was 'she looks like a damn overfed rollie-pollie with big ass hair!' Why Chaka, why? As a child me and my cousins loved playing with rollie-pollies. We never harmed them...just loved rolling them up and watching them unrolled themselves. Now, thanks to Ms. Khan, her wardrobe stylist and these pictures, all of my childhood dreams that revolved around the joy and laughter I felt whenever a rollie-pollie was around is now completely tainted and contaminated. Thanks a lot. One question, Ms. Khan: What the hell did a rollie-pollie ever do to you? Got me over here thinking it's the end of October instead of the middle of June!

You got to click the pics to see 'em....and believe 'em.



Anonymous said...

angel lola luv (whatev) kim k this is your future this bish had a banging bod back in the day too much fatback and greens

Anonymous said...


What the hell was she thinking with that get-up is what I'm still trying to understand! Just tacky as hell!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who said big girls cant work their curves, get it bookie.

Anonymous said...

F**K What you heard!!! Don't hate on Chaka. She looks great in this outfit. Even at her age and with the added "padding", she still makes many heads turn.


Anonymous said...

The first thing I would like to say is that this woman dispite what some of you have said is a walking blessing from GOD.Im the Guy that Star's call when their stuck on drugs at the motel and their body guards can't handle the trouble okay. I was there when Diana Ross had to pull Smokey out of the motel in L.A. when he was smoked out and the gangbangers would'nt let him leave. Im the guy they called for Marvin in NY,and Im the Guy they called for Chaka in Las Vegas. I'll tell you why she's a little larger than her normal weight and probably smaller than the fat asses making remarks about it. She's clean. If you knew her,personally,then you would know that she's nice to people with a flaw, never says no ever. She is one of the most loving and careing people you ever wanted to meet and if you knew her,you would be ashamed of the words you have used to discribe her. Its not the size of her body that makes her a star,nor her talent but her heart. You may look like a super model but,baggin on other people makes you an empty shell of a person on the inside. You can find that in the bible. Im a wealthy person because of what I use to do. Im grateful to nice people like her that helped me raise my kids without having to hurt people or go to prison.Im big,real big and played pro ball got hurt and people like these gave me a chance to eat. So talk that stuff if you want but its the reason why you talkin stuff instead of being stuff ,you know!

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