Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Steve Harvey's 5th Annual Hoodie Awards was in full effect this past weekend. Can you believe there has been five Hoodie Awards shows? Huh? What you say? What's the Hoodie Awards?! The Hoodie (short for Neighborhood) Awards, which was created by comedian/actor Steve Harvey, could be best described as the urban/hood version of the Oscars with a twist. Still confused? What's the twist? Well, you know in any other ordinary awards show, an award is awarded to a celebrity for their excellence in music, film and whatever else. But a Hoodie award is awarded to an everyday, ordinary citizen of any given community. The show honors local business establishments, religious and community leaders, churches and high schools for their contributions and excellence within various neighborhoods. Another twist is the fact that these awards are presented to each winner by a celebrity. Now, why some of this year's celeb prsenters decided to arrive to the show looking like pure, utter, through-and-through methods of true walking/talking madness is beyond me. I can't even call it!

And peep these categories: Best Barbershop, Best BBQ spot, Best High School Teacher, Best Church, Best Fried Chicken Place, Best Soul Food Place, Best Car Wash/Detail Shop, Best Choir Choir, Best Nail Salon, Best Community Leader, Best Church...and more.

So check out the pics...and there's more after the jump!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a great weekend full of excitement for all the nominees...The pics are worth a thousand words! My company www.showroomshinedetailing.com was nominated for the Best Detail Shop category & we look forward to being there in 2008!...Join Us!!!

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