Saturday, February 23, 2008


No lie. I've been looking for pictures of Quincy with his biological father for several months and when I couldn't find any, I assume Q just never had a close relationship with Al. However, these pics paint a different story. Now, we don't have to see father and son side-by-side in the same photo to know that lil dude physically mirrors his father to a T. Al B. Sure bet' not ever, ever, ever even attempt to fix his lips to say he isn't the father of his 16-year-old mini-me version of himself. If anything, we should be asking if Kim Porter is the real mother of Quincy because I don't see a damn thing that validates that she is! (just jokes, yall) LOL! In the photos below are a couple of candid shots of the former stonewashed-jeans-wearing, falsetto voice having, 'I was the shit back in the late 80s/early 90s when beige dudes were running thangs before Wesley Snipes came along and stole our light-skinned thunder and whatnot' stating Al B. Sure with his sons Quincy and his other son who goes by the name Lil Al B. Sure! Since Quincy's only 16, I'm gonna assume that his brother, Lil Al B. is the eldest of the two. And that's all he is because he definitely don't favor his Papa or his little bro. Bless his heart.

For those of you who are still fans of the R&B singer-turned-radio host, he will be performing live at the 9th Annual Sunday Nite Slow Jams at the Tucson Convention Center in Tucson, Arizona this Saturday (February 23) and Sunday night (February 24th) along with Tyrese, Babyface, Trey Songz, H-Town, The Dream and J. Holiday. Tickets available at ticketmaster locations and the Tucson Convention Center box office.


Anonymous said...

I don't know of any other celebrity with a child who looks exactly like their parent. it's almost scary how much quincy and al favor each other.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person wondering what Lil Al B. Sure mother looks like?

Anonymous said...

Yeah Mina, because everyone else in the world knows his mother is Kim Porter.

Anonymous said...

Lil' Q is primed to bring light skin brothers back in style. He is def. the new improved version of Al (LOL).

Anonymous said...

For all who want to see what Lil Al's mom look like, check out his myspace page. Lil Al was born in 1986 way b/4 he signed his contract (89). She's no gold digger. She resides in Mt. V and kept out of the public eye and could have blown Al B up when he was not doing right by her and Lil Al. They were together for 5 yrs.

Anonymous said...

WHERE is her pic on his MySpace page?! I would love to see the female who was living my fantasy at the time I was fantasizing about it!

Anonymous said...

I know Lil Al and he hate when people make comments about his moms, he is very protective of her. Her pic is on there, but I think you need permission to view. He loves his mom dearly. I think he looks more like her than his pops. They were together for 5 years WAY b/4 there was an Al B Sure! Trust me she's knows the real Al Brown. Lil A is named after him (Al Brown IV) born 10/30/86. One thing I will say about her is that she's no Kim Porter! She does not like attention and she has self respect. She is a beautiful woman and Al Sr. knows she was the love of his life. He just allowed that life to control him and ruined the special relationship they had. This woman took care of him when he had nothing. Kim wouldn't look twice at him!

Anonymous said...

Lil Al B arrested for RAPE....Nov 1st in Los Angeles

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